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Lead acid battery is a common type of battery, also known as Lead–acid battery or lead acid battery. It uses lead and sulfuric acid as the main chemical reaction materials, and converts Chemical energy into electrical energy through chemical reaction. What are the characteristics of lead-acid batteries? How does it work and what should we pay attention to when using lead-acid batteries?

lead-acid battery

Advantages of lead-acid battery

  1. Low cost: Compared to other types of batteries, the manufacturing cost of lead-acid batteries is relatively low, making them more cost-effective.

Disadvantages and shortcomings of lead-acid battery

Although lead-acid batteries have these advantages, they also have some drawbacks, such as large weight, large volume, and fast self-discharging speed. When selecting battery types, evaluation and selection should be based on specific application needs and conditions.

  1. Large weight and volume: Lead acid batteries are relatively bulky and have a large size, which limits their application in certain scenarios, especially for devices with high requirements for lightweight and miniaturization.

These drawbacks make lead-acid batteries not the best choice for certain specific applications, especially in scenarios with high requirements for lightweight, high energy density, and long-term use. With the advancement of technology, other types of batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, have gradually replaced lead-acid batteries in some fields. However, lead-acid batteries are still very popular in many countries due to their significant cost advantages.

How does lead-acid batteries work

Lead acid batteries are a type of chemically reactive battery that operates based on the electrochemical reaction between lead and sulfuric acid to store and release electrical energy.

A typical lead-acid battery consists of the following main components:

  1. Positive pole (positive plate): It is made of lead (Pb) and coated with oxide layer, such as Lead dioxide (PbO2).

When a lead-acid battery is connected to the circuit and charged, the following reactions will occur inside the battery:

The PbO2 on the positive electrode combines with the H+ions in the electrolyte to form PbSO4 and H2O. Meanwhile, the lead (Pb) on the negative electrode will be converted into PbSO4 and release electrons:

Positive electrode reaction: PbO2+H++SO4 ^ 2->PbSO4+H2O+2e^-

Negative reaction: Pb+SO4 ^ 2->PbSO4+2e^-

These reactions result in the potential difference between the positive and negative electrodes, which is the voltage of the battery. When the external circuit is connected to the battery, electrons will flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode through the external circuit, completing the release of electrical energy.

In the process of discharge, the active substances of positive and negative electrodes are gradually transformed into Lead(II) sulfate (PbSO4). When the battery runs out, the chemical reaction stops and no longer provides electrical energy. At this point, if it is necessary to continue using the battery, it can be charged through an external power source to reverse the reaction and regenerate the active substance to store electrical energy.

In general, the working principle of lead-acid battery is to generate potential difference between positive electrode and negative electrode through Redox between lead and sulfuric acid, and convert Chemical energy into electrical energy.

Classification of lead-acid batteries

Lead acid batteries can be divided into the following main types based on their structure and usage:

  1. Battery (energy storage battery): Battery is the most common type of lead-acid battery. They are designed for long-term storage and release of electrical energy. Batteries typically have high capacity and can undergo multiple charging and discharging cycles.
  2. Starting battery (automotive battery): Starting battery is also a common type of lead-acid battery, widely used in vehicles such as automobiles and motorcycles. These batteries have a high starting current, used to start the engine and provide electricity to the vehicle's electrical system.
  3. Deep cycle batteries: Deep cycle batteries are lead-acid batteries specifically designed for frequent charging and discharging applications. They typically have higher cycle life and better durability, and are suitable for scenarios such as emergency power supplies, solar systems, golf carts, etc. that require frequent deep discharge.
  4. Valve regulated sealed lead-acid battery (VRLA battery): VRLA battery, also known as sealed lead-acid battery, is a maintenance-free lead-acid battery. They adopt a special sealing structure and valve control technology, which can prevent electrolyte leakage and do not require additional water. VRLA batteries are widely used in fields that require reliable backup power, such as UPS (uninterruptible power supply system), communication equipment, and security systems.

These are the main types of lead-acid batteries, each with different characteristics and applicability. Based on specific usage needs, selecting the appropriate type of lead-acid battery can better meet the requirements of practical applications.

Transportation knowledge of lead-acid batteries

When transporting lead-acid batteries, the following precautions should be taken:

  1. Packaging protection: Place lead-acid batteries in sturdy packaging boxes or containers to ensure they are stable and not moving, and use suitable fillers and cushioning materials to prevent collisions and vibrations.

Please note that in terms of detailed guidance and specific requirements for specific situations, it is recommended to consult professional logistics or transportation agencies to ensure that the transportation of lead-acid batteries is carried out in the correct way to ensure safety and comply with regulatory requirements.

How to use lead-acid batteries?

When using lead-acid batteries, the following precautions should be taken:

  1. Safe operation: When using lead-acid batteries, it is necessary to follow relevant safety operating procedures to ensure the safety of oneself and others. Avoid battery damage, leakage, or short circuits, and prevent contact with ignition sources.

Please note that when using lead-acid batteries, specific product instructions and relevant safety operation guidelines should be followed to ensure safe and effective use of the battery.

Maintenance of lead-acid battery

The above describes so much knowledge about lead-acid batteries. So, how do we maintain and maintain our lead-acid batteries to improve their efficiency and lifespan when using them?

  1. Check battery electrolyte level: Regularly check the electrolyte level of lead-acid batteries. Ensure that the liquid level in the battery always covers the electrode plate, and if necessary, replenish with distilled water. But please be careful not to add too much water to overflow.

Please note that the above are only general recommendations, and the specific maintenance methods may vary depending on the battery type and manufacturer. It is recommended to refer to and follow the instructions, recommendations, and maintenance manuals provided by relevant battery manufacturers.

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